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Mental Health Awareness Training Services

If you are interested in improving the mental health and wellbeing of your employees Sandercombe Psychology Services offer bespoke training services. This includes; mental health awareness training workshops, employee drop in counselling sessions, guest speakers, and consultation for the development of workplace mental health and wellbeing strategies.

Mental Health Awareness Training

Our courses have been designed to support managers and employees and to train delegates to be able to recognise mental health problems in the workplace. Delegates are taught the skills they need to be confident with communicating and supporting their colleagues with mental health difficulties and use some of the most effective interventions available to reduce mental health difficulties and improve their own and others mental health and wellbeing.

Psychologist Session

Employee drop in counselling

This service enables one of our trained specialists to spend an allocated amount of time at your place of work, whereby employees can 'drop-in' and discuss any issues that they have. This service is confidential, and employees can gain relevant support, sign-posting, and advice.

Consultancy Services

We offer a number of consultancy services for businesses looking for support with their wellbeing and mental health strategies. We offer personal development plans, communication skills training, guest speaker services, and coaching.

Image by Gabrielle Henderson
Consultancy Services: Resources
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